2018 was a fairly nice year for us and pretty quiet. I took some really great cooking classes and learned a lot of different techniques and used a lot of different spices.
I also spent a few months completely remodeling 2 bathrooms with the help of YouTube strangers and my local Lowe's. This was a big project for us considering the only make over stuff we've done is to open a can of paint. The bathrooms were done from floor to ceiling. New flooring, new faucets, new toilets, new light fixtures and some re-wiring and lots of joint compound and a lot more. But both bathrooms look great.
I had some unique bird visitors to the yard this year. I had a pair of bluebirds trying their best to have a successful nest but didn't manage to get one egg out of 17 to hatch. Don't know what's up with that pair but I hope if they come back to the bird boxes they actually get to raise some young next year. I want baby blues!
I had a very brief visit from a tree swallow and a baltimore oriole. I was hoping the oriole would stick around or a least come back for the oranges I put out for it but no. He ate some berries off my serviceberry bush and left and didn't even have the courtesy to pose for a cute pic! The tree swallow was a bit more courteous.
And we have neighborhood cooper's hawks in the area that likes to land around our yard and fences. I got a semi decent picture of Cooper when he was on a low fence.
Although, I haven't seen many deer this year, I did get to see a doe and fawn together earlier this spring and even got a picture of the little one nursing. The little guy almost got watered with the hose since he was hiding in my flower bed. I left as soon as I saw him and shortly mom came back for him.
I did sew a crib quilt for one of the young women in my cooking class who gave birth in June. It was a challenging quilt to say the least but I got it done.
That it's for 2018 and hopefully 2019 will bring more of the same but better.
I also spent a few months completely remodeling 2 bathrooms with the help of YouTube strangers and my local Lowe's. This was a big project for us considering the only make over stuff we've done is to open a can of paint. The bathrooms were done from floor to ceiling. New flooring, new faucets, new toilets, new light fixtures and some re-wiring and lots of joint compound and a lot more. But both bathrooms look great.
I had some unique bird visitors to the yard this year. I had a pair of bluebirds trying their best to have a successful nest but didn't manage to get one egg out of 17 to hatch. Don't know what's up with that pair but I hope if they come back to the bird boxes they actually get to raise some young next year. I want baby blues!
I had a very brief visit from a tree swallow and a baltimore oriole. I was hoping the oriole would stick around or a least come back for the oranges I put out for it but no. He ate some berries off my serviceberry bush and left and didn't even have the courtesy to pose for a cute pic! The tree swallow was a bit more courteous.
And we have neighborhood cooper's hawks in the area that likes to land around our yard and fences. I got a semi decent picture of Cooper when he was on a low fence.
Although, I haven't seen many deer this year, I did get to see a doe and fawn together earlier this spring and even got a picture of the little one nursing. The little guy almost got watered with the hose since he was hiding in my flower bed. I left as soon as I saw him and shortly mom came back for him.
I did sew a crib quilt for one of the young women in my cooking class who gave birth in June. It was a challenging quilt to say the least but I got it done.
That it's for 2018 and hopefully 2019 will bring more of the same but better.
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