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Showing posts from March, 2020

Paradise in Bloom Quilt - Part 6

I'm putting some more units together for the Paradise in Bloom Quilt and below are units D and E. I pinned the two pieces together at the registration points and sewed them together. Then I added background piece A (the dark brown section).      Next was sections G and H. These two are dark brown with lighter fabrics. I pieced these the same way. I lined up the RP dots, pinned them and sewed the pieces together.     The fabrics for the flower on these two units are different. I wanted brighter/darker colors for the lighter background and lighter flower parts on the dark brown background, hoping they would pop a bit more.

Paradise in Bloom Quilt - Part 5

I've got the baskets done, so now I'm ready to start putting some of the units together. Starting in the center of the quilt, which are units A, B and C. Remember to line up the registration points (RP) and pin them together as best as you can and remember to watch out for any seams that need to line up as well. This will help keep your pieces where they need to be. Part B is sewn onto A.          Part C is sewn onto A/B.   These 3 pieces form the center medallion. Now to sew the rest of the medallion together.