I know you've probably seen or heard of these bowls. In case you haven't, these are sewn bowls that you can microwave but they won't get hot. You know when you microwave a bowl of oatmeal or a mug of tea and you reach in to get your stuff out and burn your fingers? Well, if you put the bowl or mug in a "microwave-a-bowl" first you won't get burned. So I decided to make some. They're really easy to make. I know a couple ladies make them for craft shows each fall and they practically walk out the door. First of all, here's what you'll need to make these: Materials: Microwaveable 100% Cotton Batting (Pellon or Warm & Natural) 100% Cotton Fabric 100% Cotton Thread Notice how there is nothing on the list like polyester. That's because we don't want anything to catch fire. Hot tea, good. Fire, bad. You get the idea. You can get all of these materials at any craft store. So let's get started. You can make these any size yo...